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How MCA Can Help Protect Your Business Credit Rating

Part of building a good credit rating includes taking out loans or other types of credit. Your business credit rating is not only going to be based on how much money you’ve borrowed and paid back, but on how much money has been paid back on time, late, or not at all.

If you’re a business owner, consider the importance of your credit rating. We all know that your business credit rating tells lenders how trustworthy you are when it comes to paying back past creditors. Should you ever need to use your business as collateral or take out a business loan (and who doesn’t?), your credit rating will be of utmost importance in determining whether you get a good rate, or whether you get the loan at all—especially in today’s uncertain economic climate.

Fortunately, protecting your credit score is as easy as choosing the right lender. At, we give you all of the information up front so that you can make the best decision possible when it comes to choices that affect your credit. Since it’s important to take only the credit that you can afford, the experts at MerchantCreditAdvance are dedicated to providing you with an accurate idea of what types of credit are best suited for you and how they can help your business credit rating instead of hurting it.

How MCA Can Help Protect Your Business Credit Rating by